Sunday, September 14, 2008

I went to Klang

I know I've been to Klang several times on the occasion of 'eating bah kut teh' but this time it was different; it's Royce's birthday!

It was a Saturday and Saturday is sleeping day and sleeping day is fun day but this Saturday is not much different, because it party is at night.

Kynex actually went along. And she did extensions that caused her rm300! Oh my gosh I will never spend on such! Well, maybe if I'm feeling filthy rich, earn about rm4000, I might spend for fun on my hair, but not now! My hair is always a mess (thanks to Cindy for smuggling out my hairdryer, I haven't even have time to buy a mosquito repellent and a hairdryer)and the comb is no way near to be found until someone actually commented I need to do rebonding... again, wait till I'm feeling rich. Maybe I should; one good thing about straightening my hair last time was I never use comb haha!

Ok enough about hair resolution. The fun part about being in a party is pictures pictures and pictures! People snap pictures with flashes on like no body's business, I felt like a celebrity top model that day though I am not the limelight of the event. In fact, I don't think I'm the only one who felt like a celebrity...

Many came and the whole house was a chaotic. Worst was when I arrived at 8.15pm with Loo Ping and Kynex thinking, "Hey, we're fashionably late!", I was wrong. The birthday boy wasn't even there! So I started the feast! Well, not really... I was shy so I made people eat 1st haha!

I get to meet up with old college pals! It's fun catching up with them and talk about college and how I missed those moments but I like where I am now. When I think back about college life and how hectic it was dealing with social events, I feel abit sad for the students these days wanting to repeat mistakes done by us and never learn or never really want to try new things. But I've washed my hands a long time ago. I'm quite good at letting go of responsibilities, my lazy nature kicks in most of the time!

That's Loo Ping and Kynex. Loo Ping actually took the time off from her finals (presentation is this coming Thursday) and attended Royce's birthday Party. She's from Melaka.

I picked Loo Ping up from the station and we had a nice chat towards Royce's house and I got to know she faced a similar situation as mine; a pathetic boyfriend causing problems during one of our most important moments of our lives for the same reason almost all guys will have. Only hers was abit too dramatic though. As we shared our problems I realised it was comforting to comfort others and how much we need positive encouragements in our life. Life is never fair, but how we manage the problems changes everything.

And that's Shannon. Shannon changed quite a lot (I hope). She's apparently different from what she used to be in college. I think she's mixing around with good people! Good people brings good news! I don't know if she manage let go of relationships and learn to let go of things that's bringing her down; I'm sure I did, many in a hard way. But I gain good friends! Give and take.

Anyway, it was Royce's birthday party, not history lessons of life. His family, especially one auntie is really funny. She overheard Kynex and I looking at pictures I took of Kynex and Kynex excitedly said, "I want this picture because I look thin" and the auntie burst out laughing and joked with us.

Royce is a good host. I don' know if he ate enough since he's always on one table to another and never stay put like Monster. But the problem is he is so shy (pretense) when it comes to making him take pictures. Though Royce is already 21, well, he still look superbly innocent (outside, not inside) I mean, LOOK AT THIS!!! But it was a fun party. I enjoyed.

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